Forensic Economist Group

Litigation Economics | Forensic Analysis | Expert Witness Services

Our Commitment

We are committed to assisting attorneys achieve case outcomes consistent with the facts of the case, legal evidentiary guidelines, and sound economic practice and principles, providing clarity and insight into complex economic damage loss issues and claims.

We support attorneys assess economic damage claims

The Forensic Economist Group provides economic consulting services to attorneys seeking to quantify damages or loss caused by injury, neglect, wrongdoing, or defalcation. We incorporate a multidisciplinary approach to each case, drawing on our team of economists, financial analysts, researchers, and other experts to help establish economic loss estimates in any dispute where economic damages are at stake. Our goal is to support economically informed decision-making at mediation or at trial.

Complex economic damage claims are common in litigation. Such claims should be based on a full understanding of the context of the claim, defensible economic assumptions, the best available information, robust analytics and economic modeling, and should overall be supportable within reasonable economic certainty.

Why Choose Forensic Economist Group?

Depth of Experience | Multidisciplinary Approach | Responsiveness

Data analysis and reporting

Depth of Experience

Our team of highly professional, forensic economic experts has extensive expertise gained from decades of consulting experience in the analysis of hundreds of economic damage claims. We provide credible, cost-effective economic analysis of issues or events including:

  • Modeling complicated economic claims under varying assumptions to identify reasonable measures of economic damage or loss

  • Preparing expert reports to meet federal or state evidentiary guidelines

  • Providing credible expert economic analysis and testimony at depositions or at trial

  • Assisting attorneys in drafting direct and cross examination on economic damages

Multidisciplinary Approach

People around a table with their tablets and phones

We incorporate a collaborative approach drawing on the professional experiences and diverse academic backgrounds of our team to provide attorneys with comprehensive, defensible, and understandable economic analysis. We utilize a trial-tested proprietary methodology to develop estimates of economic damage or loss within sound economic practice. Our goal is to add credibility and clarity to case dynamics, providing clear, economically informed analysis understandable to all parties.


Business people working together in the office

Providing all of our clients with timely, accurate, transparent, and cost-effective economic analysis that withstands critical review is our goal. Our extensive, up to date library together with proprietary analytical models, extensive expertise, and a collaborative culture enable us to respond quickly to time sensitive cases and to rapidly assess the impact of changing economic assumptions.

Request Our Assistance

Our team of forensic economic experts provide litigation support to meet your case goals.